When it comes to hosting a large group of people, you can expect them to eat quite a bit of food, and that is no exception for side dishes. One of the most popular styles of food to prepare for a lot...
Category: Food Quantities
If you are looking for how many Brussels sprouts are needed for a crowd, then you have come to the right place. Although there is a well-known serving size, this recommendation is often ignored,...
When throwing an event or party, you have to guestimate how much food, drinks, candy, dessert, and more to arrange to have for the people you are serving. Whether it's for a wedding candy buffet, a...
Eggnog with cinnamon for Christmas and winter holidays If you are hosting a big Christmas event, then one of the staple drinks that you will need is eggnog. It is the perfect drink to bring...
Just about everyone from everywhere enjoys many Mexican dishes such as tacos, carne asada, and tamales. Maybe you're looking to learn how to cook authentic Mexican foods, you're wanting to host a...
Potatoes for Your Group (Baked, Mashed, Tots, Fries, Hash Browns) Plus Tips
If you are having people over for dinner, taking a dish to a potluck, or hosting your first Friendsgiving (or Thanksgiving!) and are wondering how many potatoes will be needed for each person, then...