Whether you're cooking for a birthday party, wedding, Christmas event, or anything else, ham is always a convenient and delicious choice with which to feed a crowd. However, even the largest hams...
Category: Food Quantities
If you are wondering how many sugar cookies are needed per person, then you have come to the right place. Food packaging has a suggested serving size, but if you're planning a party you shouldn't...
Are you looking for a guide to how many sweet potatoes you will need to serve per person for your next Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving dinner? It can be difficult knowing how many sweet potatoes to...
Gumbo is the perfect dish for both big crowds and small gatherings. It would be a popular choice at a soup buffet for an office potluck, a casual backyard family reunion, or for a New Orleans-themed...
How Many Cans of Green Beans to Feed 150? (Green Bean Calculator)
Can of green beans being opened by a can opener on a table. Calculating how much food to make for a group of people is a great way to stress yourself out. However, you don't have to be stuck...
Mashed potatoes are an easy-to-make side dish that's loved by all. However, because mashed potatoes are so well-loved, making enough for a large group gets complicated. Mashed potatoes with butter...