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I love to eat at Brazilian restaurants as they are filled with an amazing selection of juicy meat. While there is a wide variety of choices within Brazilian steakhouses, there are five that you must try the next time you go.
When going to a Brazilian steakhouse, these five cuts of meat are typically their speciality. Below is a list and description of each of these meats, to help you decide exactly which one you want to get.
1. Picanha

When you go to a Brazilian steakhouse, you must try the Picanha. This is the most valued cut of meat from the cow within Brazil and is therefore mega-popular within Brazilian steakhouses.
Picanha is a cut of beef that is from the round of the cow and has a thick covering of fat. Despite this meat being surrounded by fat, it has very little fat within the meat itself. At a Brazilian steakhouse, the fat covering the Picanha is oftentimes removed before serving it to a customer.
Within the United States, picanha is oftentimes referred to as the top sirloin cap. Picanha tends to be a specialty within Brazilian steakhouses and many suggest this cut of meat for customers.
If you happen to order Picanha at a Brazilian steakhouse, you should be expecting a slice of tender, savory meat. When cooked properly, Picanha is one of the most tender cuts of meat you can order.
Because it is such a specialty and a choice cut, it can be a little pricey. When ordering Picanha at a Brazilian steakhouse, it typically costs thirty dollars.
2. Filet Mignon

Filet mignon is one of the most popular meats served at a Brazilian steakhouse. Filet mignon is a cut of beef from the tenderloin. More specifically, filet mignon comes from the middle of the tenderloin.
Filet mignon is among the most tender of meats. This is because the tenderloin muscle is rarely used by the animal, and is not weight-bearing. This results in the meat not becoming tough. Filet mignon has very little fat, however, it is very thick.
When cooked correctly, as it typically is at a Brazilian steakhouse, this meat is soft, lean, and tender. However, when a filet mignon is not cooked properly, it can easily become dry and tough.
Thankfully, filet mignon is popular amongst guests at Brazilian steakhouses, meaning they are usually cooked to perfection and rarely overcooked. In addition, the meat has little flavor by itself, which is why at Brazilian steakhouses, it is commonly served with certain sauces.
Filet mignon is only about two percent of the cow, which is what increases the cost of this meat.
At a Brazilian steakhouse, a six-ounce filet mignon costs about forty dollars. Meanwhile, a twelve-ounce filet mignon costs seventy dollars.
3. Lombo
Lombo is especially popular among guests at a Brazilian steakhouse. Lombo is pork loin and is a cut of meat from the pig. As Picanha is the most valued cut of meat from a cow, Lombo is a valued cut of meat from the pig. More specifically, Lombo is found along the dorsal side of the rib from the pig.
Within Brazilian steakhouses, Lombo is flavored with a variety of seasons and spices which makes it beloved among guests. Lombo is especially known for its smell as it is left to mature for about three months after it has been seasoned. The aromas of the seasoning are fully absorbed into the meat which is what gives it such a strong flavor.
At a Brazilian steakhouse, Lombo is a common option for guests as they enjoy the strong flavor and aroma of the meat.
One critical reason Lombo is renowned by guests at Brazilian steakhouses is that it is safe to eat even with glucose and lactose intolerances. Lombo is gluten-free and does not contain any milk derivatives. Due to these aspects of Lombo, customers with allergies to glucose and lactose are still able to enjoy a delicious cut of meat when visiting a Brazilian steakhouse.
4. Alcatra
When going to a Brazilian steakhouse, you cannot go wrong with getting Alcatra. Alcatra is is a cut of meat from the rump of a cow. Specifically, it is part of the top sirloin of the cow. Alcatra is actually Portuguese for “rump”.
Alcatra can be found below the filet mignon. However, unlike the filet mignon, which is found in the tenderloin and is rarely used by the animal, Alcatra is the back muscle of the animal and is therefore commonly used.
Despite the muscle Alcatra is found in being used by the cow, it does not stop this meat from being tender. Brazilian steakhouses know exactly how to cook it to make it both tender and moist.
This cut of meat is especially large and is one of the largest cuts of meat that is traditionally used among Brazilians. At a Brazilian steakhouse, guests commonly comment on the massive size of this meat, compared to that of other meats.
When ordering Alcatra from a Brazilian steakhouse, you should expect a tender, flavorful, and hearty sirloin steak. The American version of Alcatra is very similar to that of a traditional sirloin.
At a Brazilian steakhouse, Alcatra is seasoned most typically with a large amount of salt. At a Brazilian steakhouse, Alcatra is commonly served thinly sliced and is full of flavor.
5. Lamb Chops

Lamb chops are very popular at any Brazilian steakhouse you may go to.
At a Brazilian steakhouse, the lamb chops are served with the bone still inside of the animal. The ribs and vertebrae are served as part of the lamb chops, which some guests are not prepared for when ordering it. However, despite how this dish is plated, lamb chops are still popular amongst guests.
Lamb chops are the most valuable part of the lamb, which is what increases the cost of this dish at a Brazilian steakhouse.
However, despite this cost increase, it is well worth it. When ordering lamb chops at a Brazilian steakhouse, they can typically be purchased for twenty dollars.
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