Exactly How Much Cake to Buy for a Crowd (A helpful chart)

Are you needing a cake for a large group or a DIY wedding, however you do not know how much to buy? With these helpful charts, you will know how many cakes to buy in no time!

The size and shape of the cake determine how much will be needed. An average six-inch round cake will provide twelve servings, and an average eight-inch square cake will provide twenty servings. For a crowd, buy one and a half servings of cake per person.

Below is a list of charts that will help you to know exactly how much cake to buy for your crowd. Whether it be a birthday cake, wedding cake, or pound cake, you can figure out how many to buy.

How much round wedding cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much round wedding cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, the shape of the cake, the number of tiers of the cake, the number of inches in the cake, and the amount of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeShape of cakeNumber of tiersNumber of inchesAmount of servings the cake provides
Wedding cakeRoundOne tierSix inchesTen servings
Wedding cakeRoundTwo tiersEight inchesTwenty eight servings
Wedding cakeRoundThree tiersTen inchesForty two servings
Wedding cakeRoundFour tiersTwelve inchesFifty six servings
Wedding cakeRoundFive tiersFourteen inchesEighty two servings
Wedding cakeRoundSix tiersSixteen inchesOne hundred servings
How much round wedding cake is needed based on the size of your wedding

How much square wedding cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much square wedding cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, the shape of the cake, the number of tiers of the cake, the number of inches in the cake, and the amount of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeShape of cakeNumber of tiersNumber of inchesAmount of servings the cake provides
Wedding cakeSquareOne tierSix inchesEighteen servings
Wedding cakeSquareTwo tiersEight inchesThirty two servings
Wedding cakeSquareThree tiersTen inchesFifty servings
Wedding cakeSquareFour tiersTwelve inchesSeventy two servings
Wedding cakeSquareFive tiersFourteen inchesNinety eight serving
Wedding cakeSquareSix tiersSixteen inchesOne hundred twenty eight servings
How much square wedding cake is needed based on the size of your wedding

How much round birthday cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much round birthday cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, the shape of the cake, the number of inches of the cake, the number of layers in the cake, and the number of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeShape of cakeNumber of inchesNumber of layersAmount of servings the cake provides
Birthday cakeRound Four inchesTwo layersEight servings
Birthday cakeRoundSix inchesTwo layersTwelve servings
Birthday cakeRoundEight inchesTwo layersTwenty servings
Birthday cakeRoundNine inchesTwo layersTwenty four servings
Birthday cakeRoundTen inchesTwo layersTwenty eight servings
Birthday cakeRoundTwelve inchesTwo layersForty servings
Birthday cakeRoundFourteen inchesTwo layersSixty three servings
Birthday cakeRoundSixteen inchesTwo layersSeventy seven servings
How much round birthday cake is needed based on the size of your crowd

How much square birthday cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much square birthday cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, the shape of the cake, the number of inches of the cake, the number of layers in the cake, and the number of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeShape of cakeNumber of inchesNumber of layersAmount of servings the cake provides
Birthday cakeSquareSix inchesTwo layersTwelve servings
Birthday cakeSquareEight inchesTwo layersTwenty servings
Birthday cakeSquareTen inchesTwo layersThirty servings
Birthday cakeSquareTwelve inchesTwo layersForty eight servings
Birthday cakeSquareFourteen inchesTwo layersSixty three servings
Birthday cakeSquareSixteen inchesTwo layersEighty servings
How much square birthday cake is needed based on the size of your crowd

How much sheet birthday cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much sheet birthday cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, the category of the cake, the number of inches of the cake, the number of layers in the cake, and the amount of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeCategory of cakeNumber of inchesNumber of layersAmount of servings the cake provides
Birthday cakeSheet cakeSeven by eleven inchesTwo layersTwenty four servings
Birthday cakeSheet cakeNine by thirteen inchesTwo layersThirty six servings
Birthday cakeSheet cakeEleven by fifteen inchesTwo layersFifty four servings
Birthday cakeSheet cakeTwelve by eighteen inchesTwo layersSeventy two servings
How much sheet birthday cake is needed based on the size of your crowd

How much pound cake to buy

Below is a helpful chart to help you determine how much pound cake will be needed to feed your crowd. This chart will determine the type of cake, how many pounds the cake weighs, the number of inches of the cake, and the amount of servings the cake provides.

Type of cakeNumber of poundsNumber of inchesAmount of servings the cake provides
Pound cakeTwo poundsEight inchesTen servings
Pound cakeThree poundsNine inchesFifteen servings
Pound cakeFour pondsTen inchesTwenty servings
Pound cakeFive poundsTwelve inchesTwenty five servings
Pound cakeSix poundsTwelve inchesThirty servings
Pound cakeSeven poundsFourteen inchesThirty five servings
Pound cakeEight poundsFourteen inchesForty servings
How much pound cake is needed based on the size of your crowd


Being part of a really big family, cooking for big groups of people is just how we do things. Cooking, baking, and outdoor cooking have all been huge parts of my life, and I love sharing what I've learned with you.

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