There are many different parts to a mushroom, including the cap, stalk, hyphae, and gills. If all parts of the mushroom are edible, you might be wondering what to avoid in their cooking. Some chefs...
Category: Food Safety
When making or prepping stuff to make a delicious meal, we can go to meal staples such as meat stock. It's glorious as a base for soups and other things, boosting our meals. Sometimes, situations...
Have you ever come across an old bag of coffee grounds at the back of your pantry and wondered if coffee grounds really have an expiration date? Do they get gross if you leave them open for too...
If you regularly buy fresh fruit, you know that it doesn't take long for some types to go bad quickly. In fact, it seems like some fruit can go from perfectly ripe to inedible in just a matter of a...
If you're anything like me, you've had bananas ripening past the point of no return right before your very eyes on the kitchen counter. With no immediate plans for the future, my usual reaction is to...
Left Your Cheese Sticks Out? They Might Still Be Safe to Eat
Cheese is most of the most important staples of a majority of the world's cuisines. It's easy to make, versatile, and delicious. It can tricky to know just how long packaged soft cheeses can be left...